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(Early) Friday Funny: Truth to the Notion that Not All Rainbow Men are the BW’s Panacea

July 1, 2010

Now we KNOW why Mel had that gun thisclose to Danny!

As this website gains popularity, my detractors have accused me of elevating other races over black men.  I offer this post as PROOF to the contrary!

Oh Lawd.  Mel Gibson has misplaced his mind... AGAIN.  He needs to find it quickly.  I’d like to help.  I’m not completely certain where it might be, but his anus might be a good place to start.

Apparently, he is in real fear that his former lover and baby mama, Oksana Grigorieva, will be raped by a pack of negroes.  Okay…he didn’t say it quite that nice, but this blog is (mostly) PG-13.

It’s a shame too, because I liked me some Mel back in the day.  Who knew he was a raving, closeted Klu Klux Klan cartoon?  Has he been hiding that cone head hat underneath all that hair?  Up his ass maybe?  Maybe he just has a tattoo on his man parts that says, “White’s Only,” or “Coloreds go to the back.”

Boy.   As a former public relations person myself, I can only imagine how hard his publicist had to work to keep that crap about his personality under wraps:

Publicist: Mel, you simply can’t call Danny G. a gorilla.

Mel: Yes I can.

Publicist: No you can’t.

Mel: Yes I can, yes I can, yes I caaaaaaaaannnn!!!

Tsk, tsk.  Mel seems to have a distaste for Jews AND Negroes. Will he even try to talk his way out of this one?  I know we’re in the age of, doing something bad/evil and then saying you’re sorry, but….what the heck will be his comeback this time?

Maybe he could say something like this: “The recording is muffled!  It’s a trick! What I said was, I thought she might be raped by a pack of chiggers!”(damned chiggers!) AND THEN, he could parade the two black friends who wash his car out in front of the media to testify that Mel is really and nice guy– after he pays off their mortgages and fronts the bill for all their kids to attend Ivy League schools. After a little hand-greasing, they might say,” he just…gets a little nutty sometimes, you know, when he’s off his meds.”  Speaking of meds, maybe he could go into rehab like all the other celebrity losers do.  Is there such thing as anti-semetic/anti-racist rehab?  Is it anything like those places that try to make gay people straight?

Just a thought.

53 Comments leave one →
  1. Eugenia permalink
    July 1, 2010 6:06 pm

    Eh! I’m not defending Mel is crazier than a three dollar bill but I wanna hear the tape for myself. Gossip sites and magazines are notorious for not accurately reporting things and he’s an easy target. So I want to hear some actual proof, not that somebody else heard it.

    • Sharon permalink
      July 2, 2010 11:17 am

      Anyone heard the tape yet?
      Proof needed

  2. Christelyn permalink*
    July 1, 2010 6:10 pm

    Hey Eugenia–I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I said the tape might have garbled and he really said “chiggers!” 🙂

    • Janice Rhoshalle permalink
      July 2, 2010 8:58 am

      You say he “misplaced his mind” as if he had one in the beginning…

      • Keebi permalink
        July 4, 2010 12:01 am

        I know! For some reason, celebrities and most Caucasians get to escape the label “crazy”. I think he has paranoid schizophrenia – not trying to be funny. It’s weird that these antics are showing up in his later years…could be that he managed it better when he was younger.

      • Christelyn permalink*
        July 4, 2010 7:34 am

        You might be on to something. His behavior is the last few years seems to be a-typical if you compare with his career as a whole. Like I said in my post, he must have had an excellent publicist to keep his wacky views a secret for so long.

  3. Eugenia permalink
    July 1, 2010 6:19 pm

    Where is the tape at, where can you hear that at is it on the site? Maybe I just missed how to hear it. Because I haven’t heard it but if he said and it’s on tape, you know, he’s going down like OJ now. LOL.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 1, 2010 7:45 pm

      Yes, but after the police car incident, where he was clearly recorded saying what he said about Jews and calling the police woman sugar-tits, I suspect there might be some truth to this report. Heck, the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards story, and they were right about it all. Sometimes rags are good for more than lining the birdcage!

  4. July 1, 2010 6:23 pm

    I lost respect for him long before this. Hopefully it’s nothing more than gossip. If it is indeed true, I wonder what all those Christians are going to say. After all, this is the same guy who made the Passion of the Christ.

    • Eugenia permalink
      July 1, 2010 6:25 pm

      I’m a christian and I’m going to say he’s crazy loon and still a racist. So what about him making the ‘Passion of Christ’ that don’t give you a pass to be a racist.

      • July 1, 2010 6:44 pm

        I don’t believe it gives him a pass, but I bet some people will be disillusioned, others will “blame the devil.”

  5. July 1, 2010 9:16 pm

    I don’t care either way. Whether he’s a racist or not, I mean. He is just one white guy out of millions. And I an sure as heck he isn’t the only white celebrity who feels that way, believe me. There are plenty of people who harbor racist thoughts, many speak on them, most don’t. The silent ones are the worst in my opinion.

    Based on the different things that have been going on with Mel, I REALLY think that he might be bipolar. He seems to have these moments of when he appears sane and then moments where he has lost his mind. Perhaps it started around the time of the making of Passion of The Christ. After filming wrapped, remember he went and built his own church and started saying really horrible things about the Jews (we know historically that the Romans were the ones who killed Jesus, not the Jews)? Then he left his wife and kajillion kids and went with this Russian model to have a baby out-of-wedlock after purporting to be such a christian. Medication time Mel!

    “As this website gains popularity, my detractors have accused me of elevating other races over black men. I offer this post as PROOF to the contrary!”

    If you build it, they will come (sometimes even those we didn’t want to come, come). This is a great blog and you have had some wonderfully insightful and humorous posts, as well as, guest bloggers. As you probably already know, some posts will be better than others, some posts will p*ss people off to the point where they threaten not to come back (but you know they will be lurking in the background 😀 ), and some posts, no matter how well-written, people will find fault where there is none, based on their inflexible predetermined mindset, or their “inherited” cultural mindset.

    When dealing with theses types of people I always think of this line from the last Batman movie that I like:

    “Some men (women) aren’t looking for anything logical. He can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

    Because of the nature of the blog (interracial love), you WILL attract many Joker’s and their derailing tactics, some of which you have already pointed out (gaslighting; alleged black man bashing; I weigh 800 lbs and I attracted a man; although I know you were being facetious when you made the above statement, some may not quite have gotten that you were, and will “think” or claim success at getting to you.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 4:56 am

      Thanks for this Lefemme. They can claim success all they want to while I keep doing what I do. Trust me, if the morons don’t get the tongue-in-cheek humor, they should go take a class or something. Thanks also for all the compliments about the blog.

  6. July 2, 2010 12:28 am

    It sounded to me like:

    “She might have ripped the back of her knickers!”

    Being his babymama, of course he was concerned she might be embarrassed. People read too much into this stuff.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 4:59 am

      Aaby, I think you may be on to something! “ripped the back of her knickers!” HAHAHAHAHHA!

  7. July 2, 2010 7:38 am

    This was a really cute, but it doesn’t address the undercurrent of characterizing Black men as inferior that is consistent throughout your blog posts. To quote you in an earlier post:

    randomthoughtsfromcali :
    lol…i think so. I saw a woman at the mall once who had a booty just like that and the brothers where following her down the hall like she giving out free gold chains.

    • Hodan permalink
      July 2, 2010 8:30 am

      huh? how is she exactly promoting the inferiority or the stereotype about violent sexuality of black men? Black men have done it all by themselves, not to mention the constant demeaning of black women.

      You know, I find it hilarious that we uphold black men, especially those with the lowest common denominator, case and point the dumba$$ that is Chris Brown and let me not even get into child molestors the likes of R. Kelly and as much as I love his music, Michael Jackson:

      • July 2, 2010 8:39 am

        It has been a consistent theme in the posts on this Blog. I date inter-racially from time to time as well but Black men do not have to always be the enemy or be framed as “lesser than” as they often are on this blog.

        Where did Chris Brown or R. Kelly come from in this argument? I can’t stand either of them.

  8. beautifulbrown permalink
    July 2, 2010 7:53 am

    christelyn you know what i realize when it comes to black women who date outside their race, whenever we speak on certain issues when it comes to where the black men or the black people we are always bashed for saying the same thing other black people say…

  9. beautifulbrown permalink
    July 2, 2010 7:56 am

    BlackMasterPiece :
    This was a really cute, but it doesn’t address the undercurrent of characterizing Black men as inferior that is consistent throughout your blog posts. To quote you in an earlier post:

    randomthoughtsfromcali :
    lol…i think so. I saw a woman at the mall once who had a booty just like that and the brothers where following her down the hall like she giving out free gold chains.

    where in this comment is she looking at black men as inferior?? thats how must black men especially the ghetto ones behave in country as well…

    • July 2, 2010 8:43 am

      It was stereotying and if you only associate with Ghetto Black men then thats on you, because the Black men I encounter on a regular basis are classy intelligent gentlemen. I have nothing against dating interracially….I do it myself but the tone toward Black men on this Blog has been downright embarassing.

      • Christelyn permalink*
        July 2, 2010 8:47 am

        I hope it’s embarrassing to black men. 🙂 You need to stop putting BM on some high pedestal and look at what’s real. Just because you know some good intelligent black men does not negate the content that is put for on this blog. Do you go on pro-black sites and complain how “embarrassing” it is that all these people think white folks are the devil, or that they’re unfairly stereotyping? I’m gonna guess….no.

  10. Christelyn permalink*
    July 2, 2010 8:26 am

    BlackMasterPiece :

    This was a really cute, but it doesn’t address the undercurrent of characterizing Black men as inferior that is consistent throughout your blog posts. To quote you in an earlier post:

    randomthoughtsfromcali :
    lol…i think so. I saw a woman at the mall once who had a booty just like that and the brothers where following her down the hall like she giving out free gold chains.

    To this, all I can say is…*sigh*

  11. Christelyn permalink*
    July 2, 2010 8:31 am

    beautifulbrown :

    christelyn you know what i realize when it comes to black women who date outside their race, whenever we speak on certain issues when it comes to where the black men or the black people we are always bashed for saying the same thing other black people say…

    You got it! If my husband were black and I said he saw a herd of black men chasing after a big booty girl I would have gotten a lot of gaffaws and cackles. I have moved beyond trying to please these people. They will think what they think, and I will continue to do what I do. We are a community and need each other. There not going to stop me. They can click their tongues till they fall out of their mouths for all I care.

  12. Hodan permalink
    July 2, 2010 8:32 am

    lol, Mel Gibson is just suffering from God giving karma. Since he left his wife of 20+ yrs and started hooking up with cheap golddiggers and obsessing over some perfect Christian visions, he’s gone downhill. I love his movies, but he stinks as a man….character wise.

  13. July 2, 2010 8:51 am

    Christelyn :
    I hope it’s embarrassing to black men. You need to stop putting BM on some high pedestal and look at what’s real. Just because you know some good intelligent black men does not negate the content that is put for on this blog. Do you go on pro-black sites and complain how “embarrassing” it is that all these people think white folks are the devil, or that they’re unfairly stereotyping? I’m gonna guess….no.

    I LOVE the fact that you’re telling me to stop putting Black men on a pedestal when the entire basis for this Blog is to put men of any other race then Black on a pedestal lmao….the irony is pretty remarkable to say the least.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 8:58 am

      BMP, I want you to find one quote, just ONE QUOTE, in this blog where I SAY that non-black men are superior. Do the facts about BW single hood, 70% black children born OOW, 22% of BM marrying interracially themselves give you ANY pause? The purpose of THIS site is to encourage women who have decided to exercise their options and date interracially. Period. If you want to keep with the pro-black propaganda, try I think you’ll find what you need over there.

  14. beautifulbrown permalink
    July 2, 2010 8:59 am

    BlackMasterPiece :
    It was stereotying and if you only associate with Ghetto Black men then thats on you, because the Black men I encounter on a regular basis are classy intelligent gentlemen. I have nothing against dating interracially….I do it myself but the tone toward Black men on this Blog has been downright embarassing.

    then why are you on here?? I am pretty sure you dont go on pro black sites and ask them why are they putting black people on a pedestal and tell them to date interracially? if their can be sites created for whites only and or black only then why cant someone create a site for interracial couples and the curious?

  15. July 2, 2010 9:01 am

    I didn’t even intend or it to get this confrontational on here….I was just trying to point out a disturbing trend on this blog that plays into the stereotypes of those that date inter-racially…its unfortunate that things had to get so combative….it was not my intention. But it needed to be said.

    With that, I’m done.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 9:31 am

      BMP, you said your peace a few times…I got your point, but that doesn’t mean I agree with it, nor will I change my focus to assuage you. This blog does not seem like a good place for you. There are millions of others; why keep trying to convince me I’m wrong? Hey, you have a blog! Why don’t you go over there and express your views on the subject?

  16. Leela permalink
    July 2, 2010 9:06 am

    lol, but this is an article that says that Mel Gibson is a racist. Which most people knew, but okay…so Mel Gibson is a racist.
    How does it prove that you don’t elevate other races above black men?

    I’m not trying to bash your blog or anything, but I just don’t see how this article is relevant to what you’re trying to prove.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 9:10 am

      Leela, the headline is “Friday Funny.” You should visit more often, every Friday, I exercise my RIGHT to write something humorous. I guess you just don’t (want) to get the joke.

      • Leela permalink
        July 2, 2010 11:19 am

        lol, no..I get the joke. I think the article is funny.
        Im just saying that I don’t understand how it’s proof that you like…don’t elevate rainbow men above black ones.

        Nobody’s attacking your right to say what you want….theres no need to be combative. Like I said, I’m not trying to fight you or anything. I was just asking how it was relevant to you proving anything to detractors.

  17. July 2, 2010 9:18 am

    Personally, I don’t believe that any bw should even entertain those who accuse her of bashing black men. In fact, I don’t even feel you had to put in that disclaimer at the beginning of your post (proof that this blog doesn’t bash black men). To them, saying anything good about black women dating out is considered bashing black men, LOL. With that said, I lost respect for Gibson BEFORE he allegedly made the all too familiar connection between black men and rape. I have no more hate for him now. If black men are upset then it is their job to speak out, not mine. And whoever feels my comment is anti black male, you can take a leap…

    • Browncow permalink
      July 2, 2010 9:52 am

      I agree with everything you said. The disclaimer was unnecessary and everything about Mel Gibson. The whole BM as rapist of WW is getting tired. If anything, every BW on this site has a much higher probability of getting raped by a BM or group of BM than any WW. Dude needs to get a grip.

    • July 2, 2010 9:44 pm

      I couldn’t agree more.

  18. Niki permalink
    July 2, 2010 9:29 am

    LorMarie :
    If black men are upset then it is their job to speak out, not mine. And whoever feels my comment is anti black male, you can take a leap…

    AMEN! I’m tired of these “sista soldiers” fighting battles for men that men should be fighting for themselves! I’ve never read anything here that remotely “bashes” BM. Why is is that when a BW expresses herself and speaks on her reality, someone comes along to frame it as “bashing the brothers”? LOL

  19. beautifulbrown permalink
    July 2, 2010 9:33 am

    LorMarie :
    Personally, I don’t believe that any bw should even entertain those who accuse her of bashing black men. In fact, I don’t even feel you had to put in that disclaimer at the beginning of your post (proof that this blog doesn’t bash black men). To them, saying anything good about black women dating out is considered bashing black men, LOL. With that said, I lost respect for Gibson BEFORE he allegedly made the all too familiar connection between black men and rape. I have no more hate for him now. If black men are upset then it is their job to speak out, not mine. And whoever feels my comment is anti black male, you can take a leap…

    LMAO!! Every group as its trolls.. this one is no exception…

  20. Browncow permalink
    July 2, 2010 9:42 am

    This is becoming a battle zone. I don’t get why when BW are encouraging other BW to exercise their dating options (meaning outside the black “community”) they get accused of putting every other race of man in a pedestal. What is so wrong with saying, there are lots of good guys out there. Go get one. No one on this blog said that black men are Satan’s helpers and every other race of man is on the side of God. Nobody. There has been no undercurrent of non-black male superiority. The message is look at the statistics, there aren’t enough BM to go around, if you want to get married to a decent man, raise your standards and open your options to optimize the number of men you can possibly match with. That includes BM. If there aren’t any BM who make the cut, then so be it.

    This is also an IR website that encourages BW to get from under their rocks and get to dating if they wish to do so. Since when is it a crime to talk about your experiences? Quite a few BW here have had bad experiences with BM. Some have had bad experiences with white men, asian men, hispanic men, middle eastern men, european men, etc… It just means that men are men. There are good ones and bad ones. Concerning the Black American community, there is a big problem. When you see more single mothers than stable families with a male participant, that’s a problem. When you have a grown man giving a seven year old an STD then saying that “she came on to me”, we have a big problem. Are all BM like this? No. But enough are that it’s high time that BW need to start looking elsewhere for viable options for marriage and stable families where the women and children are protected. Not only physically, but financially, emotionally, and socially. Are there BM who can do this? Yes, but not enough for every BW who wants a BM.

    This is a great site and I like the cheeky humor (it’s just my type) with a dose of reality. It gives dating tips that can apply to all men. The message being how to conduct oneself in a dating situation and that includes making sure that the guy treats you right from the beginning. It seems to me that if you are interracially married or in a relationship with a non-black men, people want for you to apologize for it and add the disclaimer, “I’m married to a non-black man, but I STILL love my brothas”. We don’t have to add that. There are some ladies here like myself who have never put BM above any other type of man and all had an equal chance of getting with us if they met the right criteria. Am I supposed to apologize for being a heterosexual woman who likes all types of men? I didn’t know that was a crime. Anyways, if your feathers are getting ruffled because of the reality and the experiences being told on this website, then you need to take yourself elsewhere. Nobody is forcing you to read this. There is no hate towards BM here. How would BM be relevant to a discussion about BW who want to date and/or marry INTERRACIALLY? Riddle me that.

  21. Browncow permalink
    July 2, 2010 9:55 am

    Okay now that I got the seriousness out of me… Yeah that is funny. This guy is whacked out! I mean he’s not only an anti-Semite (which is bad enough), he’s a freaking racist too! Well one usually comes with the other. And for people who think that all IR bloggers think that WM and other non-black men are the saviors of BW, the joke is on them… Tee hee, tee hee, tee hee hee hee.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 9:58 am

      Browncow, have I told you I love you today? 🙂

      • Browncow permalink
        July 2, 2010 10:15 am

        Well thank you. The feeling is mutual. Do you think we should tell our husbands? Ha ha ha. (This is Funny Friday)

  22. Neecy permalink
    July 2, 2010 10:51 am

    Why don’t these BM identified “sistas” go away already? You won’t see these same trolls on the BLACK sites telling BW to stop placing BM on a pedestal at the expense of putting down other races of men.

    I am so sick of them. If they disagree with a particular TONE on someone’s blog – THEN they need to practice self control AND STOP COMING! its real simple. Its called FREE WILL. If someone starts a blog with a certain themse/message, why do folks feel they can just roll up in the blog and complain about the bloggers messages? if you don’t like it – LEAVE and don’t come back??? HOW HARD IS THAT?

    obviously they aren’t getting the fulfillment they need from the BLACK LOVE websites or BM so they crawl over to blogs like this complaining and trying to get attention.

    Random, you shouldn’t eeeeven try to explain yourself. if you ignore these Bm idetified BW they will go away eventually.

    • Christelyn permalink*
      July 2, 2010 10:58 am

      I actually know this girl. She’s coming from a blog a frequent and a lot of women over there can. not. stand. me. They probably sent her over here to take me down a notch.

      • Hodan permalink
        July 2, 2010 11:13 am

        lol, so the drama proceeded this. In the words of Khadija in:

        avoid and kick to the curb ‘male identified’ black women. Its like the taliban and extreme elements within the Muslim community. Most of the toxic elements facing women in different communities are condoned and protected by other women….who ignore the reality of their conditions and want to keep the rest of us down.

        Another advice I try to follow and sometimes ignore is to never interact with trolls or an individual who’s whole thought process means the subjugation of black women or any women for that matter.

  23. Tracy permalink
    July 2, 2010 11:05 am

    Christelyn, I agree with the forward thinkers – don’t even engage the bm sympathizers, cuz we ALL know that BlackMaster, well

    (Austin Powers voice) THAT’S A MAN BABY!

  24. Buckeye permalink
    July 2, 2010 11:20 am

    Browncow and Neecy, you ladies are awesome! There’s no need for me to comment since you said what I was thinking. Btw Christelyn, I love your blog. I appreciate what you do and that there’s a site like this for people who are interested. For those who don’t like it? Go somewhere else where you agree with the views and opinions.

  25. Neecy permalink
    July 2, 2010 11:53 am

    face it. if you are not extolling the virtues of Black males, then you are BASHING them. that’s it!

    • Browncow permalink
      July 2, 2010 12:17 pm

      That is the “even when they’re wrong, they’re right” mentality as it applies to BM. Not all BM are wrong, but they sure as hell aren’t ALL right either. Just face it, they’re only human. The more we stop coddling them, the sooner they’ll get their collective act together. End point.

  26. MadamCJCPA permalink
    July 2, 2010 12:23 pm

    Christielyn, I love your blog and have no fear it is much appreciated. As for BlackMasterPiece and others like her, I say ignore them. The more attention you give people such as her the more power you give them over you. Once, she realizes that her opinion has met with deaf ears she will give up and leave of her own accord.

    As for the bashing of black males I have one name, Bill Cosby. Look at the tongue-lashing he received from BLACK media even though they themselves had the same gripes with the state of the black community. Hell my own father (he cheered over Bill’s speech) a black man himself (although since his is mother was white he said people questioned his blackness) told me that MOST black men wouldn’t be worth my time. He said back then that finding someone that held the same interests as myself would be difficult due the different morals and values that we had been raised on.

    He told me this when I was a freshman in high school after I came home upset, so I told him about the other black kids calling me OREO. He told me then (when I was a kid) of the trend of disavowing the so-called “blackness” of those that value education and proper English (the problem was I sound like a white girl when I speak) and said if one was to overcome it one had to rise above it all and realize that “acting black” was just a form of slavery (of the mind) and that many in the black community refuse to acknowledge and break free of it for fear of ostracization.

    So when I read comments from individuals like BMP I laugh and think about my father’s words (about how dead-on he truly was) and shake my head in pity at the those that faced with reality everyday but cannot (or won’t) see the truth for what it is.

  27. Christelyn permalink*
    July 2, 2010 1:05 pm

    You guys are my girls! Sometimes we writers tend to be on the sensitive side, so I really appreciate how all of you are rallying around me. Love to you ladies!


  28. rainebeaux permalink
    July 2, 2010 2:20 pm

    **rereading post and comments**

    Hm, Mel certainly is a dang fool. *blink* Yeahhh, I’ve no further comment on him…he’s that far gone. {smdh}


    O_o –{ ?! }

    What, the title of this post
    ALONE didn’t tip the Neo-Mammies off? Or is there some deluxe reading comprehension FAIL I hadn’t witnessed until now? Geez. well, I know what ‘obfuscate’ means now and can confidently use same in a sentence (lol), so they did me a huge favor this week…you’re doing it right, Christelyn. 😀

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